Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cultural Research

The Waystation's Cultural Research playlist is inspired by the activities of the Institute for Cultural Research:

"The Institute for Cultural Research was founded in 1965 by the writer and thinker Idries Shah. Its aim is to stimulate study, debate, education and research into all aspects of human thought, behaviour and culture.

"The Institute seeks to facilitate the spread of ideas, information and understanding between cultures. It also seeks to make the fruits of academic research accessible to society as a whole, and to academics from different fields.

"It supports projects in parts of the world where education and the free flow of ideas are under threat. For example, it helps fund UNICEF's female educational projects in Afghanistan.

"The Institute holds regular lectures and seminars and publishes books and monographs. It may also award bursaries, grants and prizes. All its activities are available to the public.

"ICR is a registered educational charity in the UK."

Some recommended reading related to the ICR:

Godmen of India - Peter Brent (1972)
Myth of the Master Race - Richard Cecil (1972)
Symposium on Consciousness - Robert Ornstein, et. al (1974)
Vico: A Study of the New Science - Leon Pompa (1975)
Ritual Cosmos - Evan Zuesse (1976)
The Knight in Panther Skin - Shota Rustaveli (1977)
The King's Son - Robert Cecil & David Wade, ed. (1980)
The Nature of Religious Man - D.B. Fry, ed. (1982)
Cultural Encounters - Robert Cecil, David Wade ed. (1990)
Cultural Research - Tahir Shah, ed. (1993)
The Wholeness of Nature: Goethe's Way toward a Science of Conscious Participation in Nature - Henri Bortoft (1986)
From Atlantis to the Sphinx - Colin Wilson (1996)
Black Holes, Wormholes and Time Machines - Jim Al-Khalili (1999)
Sorcerer's Apprentice- Tahir Shah (2001)
Eurekas and Euphorias - Walter Gratzer (2002)
Trail of Feathers - Tahir Shah (2003)
Them and Us - Cult Thinking and the Terrorist Threat (2003)
Human Givens - Joe Griffin & Ivan Tyrrell (2003)
Time Bites - Doris Lessing (2005)
Critical Mass - Philip Ball (2006)
and ICR Monographs 1971-present.

More videos related to the ICR:

The Human Givens Diploma Course - introduction from Mindfields College on Vimeo.


Brian Goodwin on the Complex Language of Living Processes:


Prof. Chris French on The Placebo Effect: Myths, Muddle and Methodology and Belief in the Paranormal.


Rupert Sheldrake, on What if Telepathy Really Happens?